Penney De Pas Penney De Pas

'A Woman's Reach': Artist & Flourishing Artist Coach

"Looking at your art makes me feel connected to you and the world. Having something so beautiful in my home allows my eyes to feast daily." -- Amie

"I love your ... watercolour, it looks so beautiful and complete - when I look at the painting, there's nothing I want to add or take away from it. It is completely satisfying in itself." --Richard


As an artist, I seek to enrich the world

with images and stories of 

the beauty, serenity, and dignity

of the universe and the human spirit. 

My art connects you with nature to 

give you an experience

of peace, wonder, and awe.

As the Flourishing Artists Coach (artist business coach), 

I champion mid-career artists

into their prosperous creative self-expression.

I love painting irises. They are delicate, fragile,
and their beauty is fleeting, ephemeral.
Savor them for the moment.
Image above left.]
"Black Iris with dew", 1999, watercolor. NFS

Please feel free to explore the various pages on my site: 

I hope to see you soon in a class, at an exhibition, or online!

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